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- Speculative Fiction Author -

Slowing it down
Listening to: The Lumineers – The Lumineers Mood: Contemplative There is much to be said about taking your time with a manuscript, but in...
Time for a brief intermission
Listening to: My iPod mix (basically complete randomness) Mood: Content No blog post for me today. I'm switching them to Mondays because,...
Shh, the voices are speaking to me
Listening to: Florence + The Machine - Lungs Mood: Focused Starting a new book is always equal parts exciting and nerve-racking for me....

I love you. And yes, I know you’re not real.
Listening to: Death Cab for Cutie - Plans Mood: Enthused Part of what I love about writing is falling in love with my characters and...
Pick me! Pick Me!
There’s no shortage of writing contests, especially online. These are anything from Twitter pitch parties, to query contests, to first...
Oooo, sparkly!
At any one point, I have as many as ten to twenty story ideas floating around in my head. This is the main reason I carry my trusty...

Am I the tortoise or the hare? Maybe neither.
This has been one of those weeks where every day was as if I was in an unending sprint. Pounding heart, burning muscles, lungs struggling...
There is no right way to write
I get asked a lot about my writing process and what works for me. What inspires me. People who have read my work (my awesome Beta...

You're on in 3...2...1!
It’s finally here! After months and months of working on it in between the day job and writing, my website has launched. I am super...
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