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- Speculative Fiction Author -

2018...where the hell did you go?
No, seriously. Where did the last 365 days go? This year was CRAZY. From a writing perspective, I finished my YA Fantasy, THE UNHINGED,...

Novel Aesthetic for THE UNHINGED
Listening to: THE UNHINGED playlist Mood: Accomplished I'm super excited to have finished polishing THE UNHINGED, my dark YA Fantasy...
On embracing your own journey, and how freakin’ difficult that can be
Listening to: Florence + The Machine - Ceremonials Mood: Melancholy Brace yourself if you're reading. I am going to be vulnerably honest...

Writing can be hard, but you are not alone
Listening to: Linkin Park – One More Light Mood: Hopeful I’m just going to come right out and say it. August was a rough month for...
Challenge, Accepted
Listening to: Sia – 1000 Forms of Fear Mood: Accomplished Over the last six months or so, I set aside my current WIP to do some heavy...
Between Two (or Three) Worlds
Listening to: Snow Ghosts – A Small Murmuration Mood: Restless I have a lot of ideas. A lot of words in my head aching and clawing and...

Listening to: Adele - 25 Mood: Thrilled It all started with a twitter pitch during Brenda Drake’s #PitMad on December 4, 2014 (yes, over...

The Power of Words
Listening to: Florence + The Machine – All Albums Mix Mood: Soulful Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of seeing Florence + The...
I've been MIA, but look! Pretty words!
Listening to: Florence + the Machine – How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful Mood: Intense Gah, guys! I feel like such a slacker because I...
On Making Hard Decisions in Life & Writing
Listening to: Ellie Goulding – Halycon Days Mood: Optimistic Last week, I was presented with an opportunity that forced me to make a hard...
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