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No time to sleep

Listening to: Linkin Park – A Thousand Suns

Mood: Amused

This week has been hectic. Right now I’m writing this on a plane. I almost missed my flight, which is rare for me because I’m usually early for everything. My tray table is currently shoved all the way into my lap because the person in front of me decided that even though this flight is only two hours, she needs to rest all the way back. She has long hair and is hanging it over the top of her seat so that it’s right in my face. I feel like I’m typing in a 2x2 box with Chewbacca. It’s all very humorous.

Anyway, I didn’t have time this morning to work on my weekly blog post like I normally would’ve, but I swore I wouldn’t miss my goal of once weekly posts. I guess in a way I’m trying to sustain a little normalcy in an otherwise crazy week.

Work is always busy, so when I say things have been hectic this week I mean everything else, too. Rasta, the middle of my three pups, tore his CCL (the human equivalent to an ACL) a couple weeks ago and was scheduled for TPLO surgery next week. The Hubs and I had planned to go visit my family in San Diego this weekend, and we wanted to do the surgery after we came back. Well, Rasta got a little too excited last Sunday before the Super Bowl and tore his other CCL. Yes, that means he can’t walk. He ended up having emergency surgery Tuesday on one of his legs. After the eight weeks required healing he will have to have surgery on his other leg, since they can only do one leg at a time.

Having a pup that just underwent serious surgery is hard enough because he doesn’t feel good, but we also have to keep him separated from our other two dogs and he has to remain sedentary (very hard for a high energy dog). We also couldn’t cancel the trip to see my family since I haven’t been down to see them in about four years. Not only do we have our normal Pet Sitter watching our dogs, but I hired a Vet Tech to come and check on Rasta every day too. A little overkill? Maybe to some. Not to me. My dogs are my kids and I would do anything for them.

We also had the Seahawks World Champions parade on Wednesday. 700k Seattleites cheering on our team, the city humming with the excitement of our first Super Bowl win, was freakin’ amazing. My office is on a central downtown street, which was also the parade route. The building we’re in is old, so we have these amazingly tall windows that open completely and there aren’t screens to hinder our view. So we watched the parade from our 7th floor location, hanging safely out windows, waving to the players. It was a frigid 30 degrees, but also a rare sunny winter Seattle day. I’m not a fan of crowds, partially because I’m short and can never see over anyone, but also because I don’t like people in my personal bubble, so watching the parade from the office was still fun and could see just fine.

Besides Rasta’s surgery, the parade, and work, I’ve mostly been focusing on revising (and revising and revising) my query for SOUL SKINNED. Queries are tough. I love writing, whether a novel or short story, but it’s so hard to sum up a book in two short paragraphs while still ensuring my voice and the uniqueness of my story shine through. A query has to stand out from others in the slush pile, entice an agent to want to read the novel. I don’t think my query is quite there yet, but it’s close.

So I’m hoping next week is a little less crazy so I have more time to finish up the Emmy novella I’m working on, but who knows. Life is funny like that. Some weeks are slow, some fly by. In the end, it’s doing the best you can with what is thrown your way.

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